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Subsection24.4.1Some coincidences

One surprising thing about end of the previous subsection is that the Euler products for the Riemann \(\zeta\) function and the Dirichlet series of the Möbius function are multiplicative inverses of each other. That is, \begin{equation*}\prod_p \frac{1}{1-p^{-s}}=1/\left(\prod_p 1-p^{-s}\right)\, .\end{equation*} We can check this numerically as well; in the following examples, we use \(s=2\).

They agree up to quite a few digits when we approximate it, so that is a start at reasonability!


Zeta has interesting values at integers. Recall from our exploration of the average value of \(\sigma\) in Section 20.4 that \(\zeta(2)=\frac{\pi^2}{6}\) (though there we just used this as a sum, and didn't call it \(\zeta(2)\)). Compare this computation.

Euler calculated many even values of \(\zeta\), which all look like \(\pi^{2n}\) times a rational number (see any description of the so-called Bernoulli numbers). However, it was only in 1978 that \(\zeta(3)\) was shown to be irrational. It was then named Apéry's constant after the man who proved this, Roger Apéry.

To compare with the situation for even \(n\), as of this writing it is still only known that at least one of the next four odd values (\(\zeta(5),\zeta(7),\zeta(9),\zeta(11)\)) is irrational 1  . See Wadim Zudilin's website for many links, though this page hasn't been updated for some time.

Subsection24.4.2Multiplication of both kinds

Let's reinterpret this just a little bit. Assuming we can prove that all this makes sense (which we haven't, yet), we have the following two analogous facts.

This analogy is not a coincidence.


This is a quite remarkable and deep connection between the discrete/algebraic point of view and the analytic/calculus point of view. It is a shame that this is not exploited more in the standard calculus curriculum, though see [C.5.8] for a very good resource for those who wish to do so.