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Section7.4Polynomials and Lagrange's Theorem

We've seen several times in this chapter that although one can have theorems of various kinds for congruences, polynomials seems to behave very nicely – even to the point of allowing us to prove statements about the integer output of polynomials!

At the same time, it's clear that for good behavior, there is no substitute for prime moduli; the results in the previous sections really confirm this. So how can we combine polynomials and prime modulus?


We just saw this result isn't true for general moduli. In Section 7.3 we got as many as \(2^{k+2}\) solutions to \(x^2-1\equiv 0\) for moduli that looked like \(8p_1 p_2\cdots p_k\). We would expect only two with Lagrange's Theorem.

But whatever the solution to the \(x^2\pm 1\) problems are modulo a prime, there cannot be more than 2 solutions to them! If we find two solutions, we have all of them. This proves to be quite useful to keep things from going crazy when we are trying to investigate congruences; if we keep the modulus prime, we will be okay.

Of course, we also might not even get all the solutions possible in theory. We might not even get two in some instances of a quadratic polynomial, since \(x^2+1\equiv 0\) doesn't have a solution modulo three (just try all three options). The following interact investigates this a bit more.

Maybe that's not so surprising, since we don't have zeros of \(x^2+1\) over the real numbers either. Could there be connections or parallels?