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Section2.4The Bezout Identity

Subsection2.4.1Backwards with Euclid

Now, before we get to the third characterization of the gcd, we need to be able to do the Euclidean algorithm backwards. This is sometimes known as the Bezout identity.

Definition2.4.1Bezout identity

A representation of the gcd \(d\) of \(a\) and \(b\) as a linear combination \(ax+by=d\) of the original numbers is called an instance of the Bezout identity. (This is not unique.)

It is worth doing some examples. Perhaps you already have gotten one, probably by trial and error. For instance, \begin{equation*}6=60\cdot (-2)+42\cdot 3\; .\end{equation*}

The third characterization in Theorem 2.2.2 implies that doing this is always possible; \(\gcd(a,b)=ax+by\) for some integers \(x\) and \(y\). Doing the Euclidean algorithm backwards gets this.

Sometimes it's good to write the Euclidean algorithm down one side of a table, and then go backwards up the other side of the table to obtain an instance of the Bezout identity. Here's an example with the gcd of 8 and 5; follow it from top left to the bottom and then back up the right side. The middle column provides the necessary rewriting.

\(8=1\cdot 5+3\) \(8-1\cdot 5=3\) \(1=2\cdot 3-1\cdot 5=2\cdot (8-1\cdot 5)-1\cdot 5=2\cdot 8-3\cdot 5\)
\(5= 1\cdot 3+2\) \(5- 1\cdot 3=2\) \(1=3-1\cdot 2=3-1\cdot(5-1\cdot 3)=2\cdot 3-1\cdot 5\)
\(3=1\cdot 2+1\) \(3-1\cdot 2=1\) \(1=3-1\cdot 2\)
\(2=2\cdot 1+0\) Go up this column...

This question of the Bezout identity is implemented in Sage as xgcd(a,b), because this is also known as the eXtended Euclidean algorithm.

Or, \(6=-2\cdot 60+3\cdot 42\), as we saw above.


Try to get the xgcd/Bezout identity for \(\gcd(1492,1066)\). You should get \(2=-5\cdot 1492+7\cdot 1066\).

Try the following Sage cell to check that it works.

Sage note2.4.3Remind how to get list elements

Do you remember what the [1] means? What do you think the [2] means in this context?

Subsection2.4.2Proving the final characterization

The final characterization of the greatest common divisor (Theorem 2.2.2) is that it is the least positive integer which can be written \(au+bv\) for integers \(u,v\). Let's prove that now.

  • Call \(c\) the smallest such \(au+bv\).

  • By Proposition 1.2.6, any integer which divides \(a\) and \(b\) divides any such \(au+bv\), so it divides the smallest such \(au+bv=c\). In particular, the gcd of \(a\) and \(b\) (which we'll call \(d\)) divides \(c\). So \(d\leq c\).

  • On the other hand, we know from the backward/extended Euclidean algorithm/Bezout identity that \(d\) can be written \(d=ax+by\) for some integers \(x\) and \(y\). Since \(c\) is the smallest such (positive) integer, \(c\leq d\).

  • Concluding that \(d=c\) is the only way to avoid a contradiction!

Subsection2.4.3Other gcd questions

You might also want to do more than one linear combination, for variety. How might we get another such representation?

Example2.4.4Using Bezout to get another Bezout

We used the backwards Euclidean algorithm to see that \(6=-2\cdot 60+3\cdot 42\). Let's use that to get another.

  • Since \(6\) is itself a divisor of both 60 and 42, let's pick one (the smaller one!), 42, and write it as \(42=7\cdot 6\).

  • Then we can really write \begin{equation*}42=7\cdot 6=7\cdot (-2\cdot 60+3\cdot 42)\; ,\end{equation*} since after all we just saw that was a way to represent \(6\)!

  • Now we plug this back into the original equation: \begin{equation*}6=-2\cdot 60+3\cdot 42=-2\cdot 60+3\cdot (7\cdot 6)\end{equation*}\begin{equation*}=-2\cdot 60+3\cdot (7\cdot (-2\cdot 60+3\cdot 42))\end{equation*}

If we simplify it out, that means \(6=-44\cdot 60+63\cdot 42\), which is indeed correct!

So, substituting a Bezout identity into itself yields more and more such identities. How many such identities are there? Is there a general form?

Another interesting question is that some gcds of large numbers are very easy to compute. What makes finding \(\gcd(42000,60000)\) so easy? If you're in a classroom, this is a perfect time to discuss.

On a related note, if \(\gcd(a,b)=d\), could you make a guess as to a formula for \(\gcd(ka,kb)\) (for \(k>0\))? Can you prove it in Exercise 2.5.16? (Hint: here is where our original definition or the Bezout version could be useful.)

Subsection2.4.4Relatively prime

There is one final thing that the linear combination version of the gcd can give us. It is something you may think is familiar, but which can arise very naturally from the Bezout identity.

When do \(a\) and \(b\) have as greatest common divisor the smallest possible, \(\gcd(a,b)=1\)? From this point of view, it is precisely when you can write \(ax+by=1\) for some integers \(x\) and \(y\).

Think about this, though; it means that you can write any integer as a (linear) combination of \(a\) and \(b\) if their gcd is 1! This is a property I think people would have come up with no matter how the development of mathematics had gone; the pairs of integers such that you can write any number as a combination of them.

Definition2.4.5Relatively Prime

If the greatest common divisor of two numbers is one, we call these relatively prime numbers or coprime numbers.

It's also useful to try to find counterexamples! Can you find place where \(\gcd(a,b)\neq 1\), \(a\mid c\) and \(b\mid c\), but \(ab\) does not divide \(c\)? (See Exercise 2.5.20.)