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References E.7 Useful Articles

Throughout the text, I've attempted to reference articles in so-called ‘generalist’ mathematics publications which have been useful or intriguing. See also the collection [E.6.4], where some of these appear.

Ivan Niven and Barry Powell, Primes in Certain Arithmetic Progressions, The American Mathematical Monthly, June-July 1976, 83 no. 6, 467–469.
D. Zagier, A One-Sentence Proof That Every Prime \(p\equiv 1 (\text{ mod }4)\) Is a Sum of Two Squares, The American Mathematical Monthly, February 1990, 97 no. 2, 144–144.
Andrew Granville and Greg Martin, Prime Number Races, The American Mathematical Monthly, January 2006, 113 no. 1, 1–33.
David A. Cox, Why Eisenstein Proved the Eisenstein Criterion and Why Schönemann Discovered It First, The American Mathematical Monthly, January 2011, 118 no. 1, 3–21.
Steven H. Weintraub, On Legendre’s Work on the Law of Quadratic Reciprocity, The American Mathematical Monthly, March 2011, 118 no. 3, 210–216.
Jonathan Bayless and Dominic Klyve, Reciprocal Sums as a Knowledge Metric: Theory, Computation, and Perfect Numbers, The American Mathematical Monthly, November 2013, 120 no. 9, 822–831.
Xianzu Lin, Infinitely Many Primes in the Arithmetic Progression \(kn-1\), The American Mathematical Monthly, January 2015, 122 no. 1, 48–51.
Reinhard Laubenbacher and David Pengelley, Eisenstein's Misunderstood Geometric Proof of the Quadratic Reciprocity Theorem, The College Mathematics Journal, January 1994, 25 no. 1, 29–34.
Roger B. Nelsen, Proof Without Words: Square Triangular Numbers and Almost Isosceles Pythagorean Triples, College Mathematics Journal, May 2016, 47 no. 3, 179–179.
David Lowry-Duda, Unexpected Conjectures about -5 Modulo Primes, College Mathematics Journal, January 2015, 46 no. 1, 56–57.
William G. Stanton and Judy A. Holdener, Abundancy “Outlaws” of the Form \(\frac{\sigma(N)+t}{N}\), Journal of Integer Sequences, 10
D. R. Slavitt, Give Way To God, or The Dying Christ – Pierre de Fermat, The Mathematical Intelligencer, Summer 2012, 34 no. 2, 3–5.
Paul Nahin, The Mysterious Mr. Graham, The Mathematical Intelligencer, Spring 2016, 38 no. 1, 48–51.
P. A. Weiner, The abundancy index, a measure of perfection, Mathematics Magazine, October 2000, 73 no. 4, 307–310.
Andrew Bremner, Positively prodigious powers or how Dudeney done it?, Mathematics Magazine, April 2011, 84 no. 2, 120–125.
Rafael Jakimczuk, The Quadratic Character of 2, Mathematics Magazine, April 2011, 84 no. 2, 126–127.
Russell A. Gordon, Properties of Eisenstein Triples, Mathematics Magazine, February 2012, 85 no. 1, 12–25.
Roger B. Nelsen, Proof Without Words: Infinitely Many Almost-Isosceles Pythagorean Triples Exist, Mathematics Magazine, April 2016, 89 no. 2, 103–104.
C. Edward Sandifer, How Euler Did It: Odd Perfect Numbers, MAA Online, November 2006
Matthias Beck, How to change coins, M&M's, or chicken nuggets: The linear Diophantine problem of Frobenius, in Resources for Teaching Discrete Mathematics: Classroom Projects, History Modules, and Articles (B. Hopkins, ed.), Mathematical Association of America, 2009, 65–74.
S. A. Rankin, The Euclidean Algorithm and the Linear Diophantine Equation \(ax + by = \gcd(a, b)\), The American Mathematical Monthly, June-July 2013, 120 no. 6, 562–564.
F. Saidak, A new proof of Euclid's theorem, The American Mathematical Monthly, December 2006, 113 no. 10, 937–938.
Yannick Saouter and Patrick Demichel, A sharp region where \(\pi(x)-li(x)\) is positive, Mathematics of Computation, October 2010, 79 no. 272, 2395–2405.
Kent Boklan and John Conway, Expect at Most One Billionth of a New Fermat Prime!, The Mathematical Intelligencer, 2017, 39 no. 1, 3–5.
Bruce Berndt et al., The Circle Problem of Gauss and the Divisor Problem of Dirichlet—Still Unsolved, The American Mathematical Monthly, February 2018, 125 no. 2, 99–114.
William Dunham, The Early (and Peculiar) History of the Möbius Function, Mathematics Magazine, April 2018, 91 no. 2, 83–91.
Enrique Treviño, An Inclusion-Exclusion Proof of Wilson's Theorem, The College Mathematics Journal, November 2018, 49 no. 6, 367–377.
John Cosgrave and Karl Dilcher, Extensions of the Gauss-Wilson Theorem, Integers, 2008, 8 no. 1, A39.
Ernest Eckert, The Group of Primitive Pythagorean Triangles, Mathematics Magazine, February 1984, 57 no. 1, 22–27.
John Brillhart, A Note on Euler's Factoring Problem, The American Mathematical Monthly, December 2009, 116 no. 10, 928–931.
Christian Aebi and Grant Cairns, Sums of Quadratic Residues and Nonresidues, The American Mathematical Monthly, February 2017, 124 no. 2, 166–169.
A. Rotkiewicz and K. Ziemak, On Even Pseudoprimes, The Fibonacci Quarterly, May 1995, 33 no. 2, 123–125.
Lars-Daniel Öhman, Are Induction and Well-Ordering Equivalent?, The Mathematical Intelligencer, September 2019, 41 no. 3, 33–40.
Trevor Woolsey, A Superpowered Euclidean Prime Generator, The American Mathematical Monthly, April 2017, 124 no. 4, 351–352.
Edray Goins et al., Lattice Point Visibility on Generalized Lines of Sight, The American Mathematical Monthly, August-September 2018, 125 no. 7, 593–601.
Dylan Fridman et al., A Prime-Representing Constant, The American Mathematical Monthly, January 2019, 126 no. 1, 70–73.
Roger Nelsen, Even Perfect Numbers End in 6 or 28, Mathematics Magazine, April 2018, 91 no. 2, 140–141.
Howard Sporn, Pythagorean Triples, Complex Numbers, and Perplex Numbers, The College Mathematics Journal, March 2017, 48, no. 2, 115–122.
Aalok Thakkar, Infinitude of Primes Using Formal Languages, The American Mathematical Monthly, October 2018, 125, no. 8, 745–749.
Hing-Lun Chan and Michael Norrish, A String of Pearls: Proofs of Fermat's Little Theorem in “Hawblitzel C., Miller D. (eds.) Certified Programs and Proofs, CPP 2012”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7679, 188–207.
Solomon Golomb, Combinatorial Proof of Fermat's “Little” Theorem, The American Mathematical Monthly, December 1956, 63, no. 10, 718.
Steven R. Benson, Pythagorean Paper Folding, Mathematics Magazine, February 2021, 94, no. 1, 34–42.
Zafer Selcuk Aygin and Kenneth S. Williams, Why does a Prime \(p\) Divide a Fermat Number?, Mathematics Magazine, October 2020, 93, no. 4, 288–294.