Chapter 1 Prologue
What is number theory? Briefly, it is the study of the integers and questions arising from them.
Definition 1.0.1. The Integers.
The set of counting numbers is denoted
Note that in this text, this set begins at zero 1 . The integers is the set of positive and negative counting numbers:
This is a fairly dry definition, though. The best way to find out what this definition means is to try to answer some questions about integers!
Summary: Prologue
After reminding ourselves of The Integers, this introductory chapter covers the following main topics.
In Question 1.1.1 we introduce the notion of the conductor to get thinking about nontrivial integer questions.
We review basic uses of the following principles:
Proofs by Induction
Basic facts about Divisibility, of which we will especially use Proposition 1.2.8
We get a brief look at where we are going in this text.
Finally, after the usual Exercises, there are few notes on Using Sage for Interactive Computation.