Chapter 18 An Introduction to Functions
Question 18.0.1.
What properties do number-theoretic functions (such as
Remark 18.0.2.
We pronounce this word with the stress on the third syllable in number theory when used as an adjective, but (as usual) on the second syllable when used as a noun.
A-rith-me-tic functions show up when studying the higher a-rith-me-tic.
We want to have as explicit formulas as possible for our functions, which are often defined implicitly or in terms of counting.
We wish to find relational formulas, either between our function and other functions, or especially among different values of the function itself.
We desire to see what the long-term or aggregate behavior of the functions is; in practice this usually involves summation of various kinds.
Summary: An Introduction to Functions
This short chapter introduces us to arithmetic functions, and raises some interesting questions we can ask about them.
In Section 18.1 we review the formula and relations for the familiar Euler
function, while also asking it where it is going.In Section 18.2 we ask the same questions of a new function, which culminates in the surprising Fact 18.2.9.
The Exercises just give a little chance to think about functions, in preparation for the next several chapters.