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References C.5 Historical References

Number Theory is also a very old field, as should be clear from using this book. Here I have collated references intended both for mathematicians and the fabled ‘educated laity’. (Note that many of the other books referenced here have significant historical content, notably [C.4.5].)

Jim Tattersall, Elementary Number Theory in Nine Chapters, Cambridge University Press, (2005) (Website)

Oodles of class-tested historical material and many, many exercises, including a welter of them on topics surrounding amicable numbers.

John J. Watkins, Number Theory: A Historical Approach, Princeton, (2013). (Website)

A very nice historically-oriented approach to elementary number theory. Includes Sage material in an appendix.

Oystein Ore, Number Theory and Its History, Dover, (1948). (Website)

Another conversational classic by Ore, with plenty of historical goodies.

Jay Goldman, The Queen of Mathematics, AK Peters, (1997) (Website)

A truly historical sojourn through much of number theory up through the early twentieth century, with extensive primary source material and investigation of Gauss' monumental work. Sadly, largely beyond the level of this text.

William Dunham, Journey Through Genius, Wiley, (1990). (Website)

This is intended for those without calculus, but has many great number-theoretic bits all the same.

William Dunham, Euler: The Master of Us All, Mathematical Association of America, (1999). (Website)

This book has some nice discussion of Euler's number theory alongside many other historical vignettes with real math power.

A. Knoebel et al., Mathematical Masterpieces: Further Chronicles by the Explorers, Springer, (2007). (Website)

Collection of additional classroom resources focused on primary source material, including the Basel problem and quadratic reciprocity.

André Weil, Number Theory: An approach through history From Hammurapi to Legendre, Birkhäuser, (1984). (Website)

Absolutely first-rate mathematician's insider view into the contributions of Fermat and Euler. Plenty of opinions and connections to modern mathematics, though sadly it will never be updated to connect Wiles' work on elliptic curves to Fermat's legacy.